Digital weight tracking solution, for the accurate management and processing of weighed goods

⛶ weightcapture™ ensures that the processing of raw goods is fully traceable and accurate.

This means ethical standards can be upheld, farmers can be paid fairly, and consumers know exactly where their food is from.

Agricultural supply chains are invariably based upon the sale and purchase of weighed goods. Too often, the weight capture process is vulnerable to pilferage, exploitation and dishonest dealing, particularly in rural locations. The analogue nature of these processes allows for inaccurate logging of quantities, purposeful ‘under’ weighing and an inability to accurately trace the source of produce. 

WeightCapture™ is a digital solution that uses biometric, bluetooth and cloud technology to deliver full verification in the management and processing of goods; eradicating tampering and corruption, and ensuring total transparency in the supply chain, from seed to shelf.

This unique system provides confidence of ethical supply to farmers, co-operatives, companies, NGOs and consumers.

⛶ weightcapture™ collects weight data using a bluetooth enabled scale and sends it real-time, exchanging information with the warehouse so that the product collected can be processed.

⛶ weightcapture™ set consists of:

  • Farmer management
  • Produce collections management
  • Inputs allocation
  • Weighbridge management
  • Firewood management
  • Farmer payroll-pay slip / SMS
  • Inventory upload and download
  • Bulk SMS to farmers
  • Reports
  • Printing facility for farmer receipts
  • Sync with weightcapture pro
  • Integration with third party apps
  • Barriers automation for proper weighbridge control

Benefits Include

Total transparency

Digital data collection and verification ensures accuracy and full visibility as every step of the process is tracked and traceable and goods and data cannot be tampered with.

Affordable to all

Our solutions are designed to be affordable, especially to those who need them most.

Immediate payment

Farmers can benefit from immediate, secure payment on the weighing of their crops, as everything is immediately verifiable.

Ethical supply chains

Pilferage, corruption and collusion are all minimised due to total visibility of data, offering peace of mind for communities, companies and consumers.

Assurance of procedures

Accurate logging of processes means procedures and standards are upheld and are fully visible to all parties.

Access to finance

Our partnerships with lenders and digitisation of a farmer’s transaction history ensure that farmers can access affordable advances that would otherwise not be available to them.

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